Blogmas Day 8

True Christmas spirit

Yesterday was nothing short of a miraculous day. It is ironic that it also happened to be my birthday. 

Every year we do our Christmas shopping early; around late September to early October. We have enjoyed using the layaway process, that way we can get what we want before the stores are wiped out. It also allows us to budget the payments into our finances. There really isn’t a downside to layaway. 

Yesterday, I got a bizzare email saying “here is the receipt you requested for your layaway”. I knew I did not request anything and opened the email. When I scrolled to the bottom it said our balance was paid off. “What!?” 

Immediately I felt shocked. Then I started to wonder, “did someone else pick up our layaway?”

I called the store and asked the person on the phone to look into it. She said, “This is weird, I am on the other line with another lady who says the same thing happened to her. Let me find out what’s going on, just a minute please”. 

I waited for a few minutes and she got back on the phone, “Okay I am going to transfer you to Laura because she knows a whole lot more about this than I do.” I said okay and then waited some more.

Then Laura answers the phone, “Thank you for calling how may I help you?” I explained to her that my layaway said it was paid off, but I did not pay it. 

She immediately got excited and said, “Well merry Christmas to you! We had some ladies come in earlier and pay off some layaways and yours was chosen as one of them.” 

I started crying. 

I said, “Are you serious? Do you know who it was?” 

She said “no, they wanted to be anonymous. There were 3 of them and they said to find layaways with a lot of items and yours was one of them.”

I was still crying and told her, “this is just so crazy and amazing. Today is my birthday and I just cannot be more thankful for this!” 

She said, “awe well happy birthday and merry Christmas to you!” 

Then we talked about pick up and what not. 

In a time when our world seems so messed up, like nobody cares about anyone but themselves anymore. There are still phenomenal people out there. This is why I love Christmas. This is the Christmas spirit I am talking about. Strangers helping strangers for no reason. 

The good news is, now I have a higher budget for my community project that we are going to be doing. I am so excited! 

I don’t know who these ladies were, but I would hug them if I could. I would like to thank them for showing me that there is always good people around. I would like them to know their generosity is allowing me to pay it forward more than I was originally able. 

That, is the meaning of Christmas.

Until tomorrow, 


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