Blogmas Day 7

Blogmas Day 7 reclaiming my sanity

Getting into the Christmas spirit is not difficult for me. Usually it begins right before Thanksgiving when I start to see stores setting up their Christmas displays. I know many people are bothered by Christmas stuff being seen, or heard, before the month of December. I figure, to each their own. 

Normally, my Christmas spirit begins with listening to Christmas music. I have noticed, and I am not surprised, that I stick with more of the “older” classic Christmas music; like Ella Fitzgerald, Bing Crosby, Elvis, Dean Martin, Brenda Lee, Frank Sinatra, Trans Siberian Orchestra, and Paul McCartney. 

Christmas music
One of our Christmas wall pieces

This year, I have been more tired in the mornings. To help get me and keep me motivated, I have been putting on my Christmas station on the Pandora app on my phone. The kids love it as they are eating breakfast. Poppy will even dance in her seat. I think the energy and happiness from the songs speaks to ones soul. 

It can take an “I don’t want to get out of bed” cranky attitude and turn it around into a positive one. When the music is playing I feel more compelled to be active. I tend to clean and cook more when I am listening to Christmas music. 

When does your Christmas spirit begin? What music is your favorite during the season?

Until tomorrow, 


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