Theme Song

You know how every show or movie has some kind of theme song that goes to it? Have you ever imagined what song would be the theme song to your life, if your life was a show or movie?

I can remember when I first heard the song that I claim as my theme song. By time the chorus played for the second time I felt like it was mine. Battling depression, peer pressures, and family dysfunction made it difficult for me in a lot of ways. This song kept me going. It reminded me that I do not have to conform to society. It reminded me that things will get better. It reminded me that even though I may feel like an oddball in comparison to everyone else, that it was okay.

Even to this day, this song is still mine. It still holds true. It reminds me that even though society thinks I should look or act a certain way, that being true to myself is more important.

That song is, The Middle by Jimmy Eat World.

What song is your theme song? Let me know in the comments!


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